Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bowtrol Colon Cleanse Review - Does Bowtrol Cleanse Work?

by Barbera Jaynes

We all know that the colon waste is one of the main reasons of all diseases in human beings. It is the main cause of indigestion, bloating, gases and severe constipation. A colon Cleanser can definitely serve the purpose of cleansing the colon from all the waste materials. Bowtrol Colon Cleanser is just the product which ensures all the goodness of natural products and at the same time cleanses the colon. Bowtrol Cleanse is just what we need to get rid off all the waste in the colon.

The ingredients of this product make it very special. It has very natural extracts. The ingredients have the very best in the market.

Rhubarb: We all know how effective rhubarb as a fat neutralizer is. It is one of the best ways to get a flat tummy as it also adds fiber to the diet.
Slippery Elm: It is a special ingredient meant to clean the colon from all the age old wastes.
Cascara Sagrada: It is a very well known ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, it known for its action on irritable bowel syndrome.
Olive Leaf Extract: It is oil that adds to the lubrication of the colon waste.
Bentonite Clay and Peppermint: These are the best effective killers of germs and worms present in the colon.
There are many benefits of this product we have slated out some of them.
Get Rid off Toxins: It is a very influential way of getting rid of toxins from the body
Prevent Colon cancer: Colon Cancer occurrence can be stopped by regular colon cleansing done this product.
Trigger a weight loss: It triggers a weight loss regime because colon waste constitutes about 10 pounds of our weight
As it is a new product it is not available in the market, you have to order the trial of this product on the promotional website of the product.
Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Bowtrol Cleanse.

Visit --- > Bowtrol Colon Cleanse

FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!

Total Body Detox - The Best Colon Cleanse Product For You

by Jose Hunter

The old saying says that 'we are what we eat', this is truer than many of us realize. The foods that we put in our bodies truly do affect what we are, or at least how we are. The wrongs food can result in developing a toxic state, our immune systems get affected and our digestive system breaks down. One way to detoxify the body is with a colon cleanse. There are several different products on the market so it is a good idea to know what the best colon cleanse product is.

The body is a delicate balance of microorganisms and different forms of bacteria. When this system is affected negatively we develop an imbalance which can result in developing various medical conditions. The imbalance is known as toxicity, there are ways to reverse this process and correct the imbalance. Some of the best colon cleanse products such as an herbal colon cleanser or natural colon cleanser help to establish this balance.

It is vital to good health that the colon remains fully functional. To assure that the colon is operating at its fullest efficiency you need to maintain good health and develop good eating habits. This diet needs to be combined with an improvement in lifestyle, which includes reducing the toxins that we allow to enter our bodies including alcohol and tobacco.

When you consume the proper foods and avoid substances that can poison the body your colon will remain clean and you will have more energy, and be more mentally alert. Your overall health will improve as your body heals physically, mentally, and spiritually from the imbalance that has been caused by eating the wrong foods and possibly placing carcinogens into the body.

While proper health can be maintained by using diet to keep the body cleansed, you will need to restore the body to a healthy condition this includes using a colon cleanser. There are multiple products on the market that can cleanse the colon and give you the proper starting ground for an affective colon cleansing diet.

Colon Cleansing At Home

There are several ways to cleanse the colon and range from colonics and enemas to herbal remedies. A colonic or enema involves the insertion of a tube into the rectum by a medical professional, and includes flushing out the colon. While there are kits that make it possible to have this done at home by you.

There are also a wide variety of herbal remedies that include powders, shakes, and other drinks that are designed to cleanse the colon of excess waste that may exist in the large intestine. These herbal remedies are similar to the over-the-counter remedies that are available at a pharmaceutical retailer. When considering the best colon cleanse product for you it is a good idea to consult your physician and ask them what they recommend.

You should also have a physical to make sure that you are not developing a health condition. In many cases an unclean colon can result in a toxicity, which may make it known through a yeast infection or other medical condition. Consequently it is important that you have an initial cleansing using the best colon cleanse product for you and then maintain a diet that helps the body reduce the amount of toxins in your body.

Detoxify you body and get rid of the toxins and waster. Improve your weight loss with the addition of the best colon cleanse product. Dieting alone won't do it. You need a slight edge, Get a trial offer of an effective colon cleansing product today.

Power Colon Cleanse Review - What on Earth is Natural Colon Cleansing?

by Lisa Kimberely

Power Colon Cleanse is one of the Most Popular Natural Colon Cleansing products to have hit the market. In this review, I don't talk about only Power Colon Cleanse, but I also talk about natural colon cleansing in general for those who are not too familiar about natural colonic irrigation.

Is Natural Colon Cleansing Something Brand New?

Not exactly, natural colonic irrigation goes back to ancient Greece. Even in ayurvedic medicine in the east, cleansing your colon has been practiced for centuries. As far as western medicine goes, even a 'Colon irrigation machine' was invented about 100 years ago.

What on Earth is Natural Colon Cleansing?

Have you seen the inside of old water pipes? Especially if they're from a tropical climate, you're going to see a layer of algae inside these pipes. Just like that, the inside wall of the colon can become lined by undigested food to form plaques that does not get flushed out during natural defecation.

The colon is not the only place that this happens inside the body. Have you heard about atherosclerosis? It's a condition where excess cholesterol can line the inside of our blood vessels. It's an extremely dangerous condition that can lead to heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

Just like water pipes and blood vessels, the colon too can have 'junk' accumulating on its inside. Cleansing or flushing your colon can remove this junk.

What does this 'junk' inside the Colon do? Colon Cancer may be the ultimate!

Great question! These colonic plaque can have minor effects or major effects.

There are all kinds of toxins being produced in this 'junk'. These toxins can be absorbed into our blood and affect our immunity
Some people can accumulate as much as 30 pounds of this 'crap'
Because the nutrient absorption surface is covered by this plaque like material, critical nutrients may be prevented from being absorbed in to the blood
Chronic irritation of the colonic wall caused by this material can ultimately lead to colon cancer. As much as 57,000 people die of Colon cancer every year in the USA
Is Power Colon Cleanse your only option to cleanse your colon?
NOPE! You can also go to a doctor, a colonic hygienists or a colon therapists to get a colon irrigation performed. That is a great thing. The only problem is it's gonna cost you a ton of $$$, it's going to be physical and uncomfortable, and it's going to be a one time thing.

The good thing about natural home based colonic cleansing methods such as Power Colon Cleanse is that you can do it at the comfort of your home by simply incorporating it to your diet whenever you please!

To read more on 100% Natural Power Colon Cleanse and to get a FREE TRIAL, Click Here!

Natural Colon Cleanse - The Best Natural Colon Cleanse Method That Really Works

by Ashley Hilton

f your suffering from unpleasant symptoms like chronic constipation, backache, continual headaches, constant fatigue, or bloated abdomen - It could be early warning signals of a dysfunctional colon at serious risk of making you sicker each day it goes untreated.

A natural colon cleanse method is sure to make you healthier, boost your energy levels, and make you mentally sharper to take on your life's challenges. It destroys most chronic constipation (toxic buildup in the lower bowel) caused by the harmful processed foods you eat.

In a high-paced modern society, most foods we eat are dangerously high in bad chemicals such as synthetic preservatives, dyes and insecticides. We're practically living in a "junk food nation" with little nutritional value and almost zero fiber intake (the colon needs a HIGH fiber diet intake to maintain a healthy function)

Thankfully due to modern technology and advancements, there are a few decent colon cleanse methods out on the market today, but few are natural in it's application and has zero side effects (due to it's primary natural ingredients). A prescription for an unhealthy colon is usually the first choice that comes to mind, but few people tell you of the doctor bills and costly prescription itself.

You could save several thousands on medical prescription pills and doctor visits using such ingredients like flax seeds, aloe leaf, ginger, barberry, and fennel (unless you have a serious chronic colon problem that goes beyond what any natural ingredient may be able to solve).

There's several natural colon cleanse methods you can use today in combination with a great diet, healthy eating, and regular exercise. The biggest challenge is finding the right one for you and your specific needs.

Discover How You Can Get The Best "Natural Colon Cleanse" Supplement, and flush out the waste by "Clicking Here"

5 Signs You Need a Super Colon Cleanse

by Jamie Tommeson

Your colon is one of the most important organs in your body. Neglecting and failing to properly care for your colon can lead to a wide range of health problems and illnesses.

For many people, the years of over eating with diets heavy in processed foods, sugars, fats and proteins have never been counteracted with a nurturing cleanse. This leaves the colon in an environment of acidity, making it much more difficult to handle and expel the build up of toxins and bacteria.

If you are experiencing some of the following symptoms, you may be in need of doing a super colon cleanse:

1) Lack of Energy: Toxins accumulate and place burden on the colon and digestive system. When these systems are under strain it becomes difficult for your body to absorb nutrients and generate day to day energy levels.

2) Chronic Constipation:An unhealthy colon can be found easily by examining your bowel movements. Simply put, you should have at least one bowel movement per day, solid, with little pain or constipation.

3) Acne: When the colon is clogged and lined with bacterial plaque, it is not possible to rid the body of all the toxin we take in through our diet and environment. The result is that toxins will begin to mix into the bloodstream, which impacts ultimately in dirty, oily skin.

4) Overweight: The bodies ability to remove waste and excess fat depends on the efficiency of the digestive and elimination systems. If your colon is unhealthy, not only will it slow down the waste elimination, but it will encourage the body to store fat where it cannot eliminate.

5) Feeling Sluggish: Mucoid plaque build up in the colon has a negative impact on the rest of the bodies organs. When you do a super colon cleanse you are not just cleansing the colon, and intestines, but in fact cleansing the entire body.

Doing a super colon cleanse will help you look thin and lose weight quickly, have more radiant and clear skin, enjoy higher levels of energy and a stronger immune system. You have nothing to lose but the toxic bacteria suppressing your health.

Visit here to find the safest, natural products to do a Super Colon Cleanse. Also offering discounts on retail prices now, visit and start putting your health first.

Buy Colon Cleanse - Benefits of Colon Cleanser

by Osita Modozie

The different brands of colon cleanse in the market makes it difficult to select the best brand to buy. We have quiet a lot of them namely super, Bowtrol and power colon cleanse etc. These are just a few out of the tens of them out there in the market.

Most colon cleansers cause one side effect or the other after you must have taken them. As such, it is very important not to buy such colon cleanse. Side effects like upset stomach, constipation, headache, blurring eyes etc are a few of the side effects. It will also be in your best interest to know that not all of them work.

Bowtrol is one of the safe colon cleanser product which is normally recommended to be used. Where to buy it includes GNC store, CafePress, its official store, eBay etc. You will get better price when you purchase it through the manufacturer's site. Bonus may also be offered at their site. If you have concluded that you need a colon cleanse product to get rid of unwanted toxins in your system, then Bowtrol may be the right choice for you. It is used by thousands of people because it is side effect free. It is a herbal product, and as such it requires no FDA approval.

A study carried out by the Global Clinical reveals that Bowtrol alleviates constipation in a safe manner. This is a recent study carried out last year being 2009. Bowtrol contains more than 5 ingredients which will ensure your colon is properly cleansed.

I will like to talk about where you can buy Bowtrol cleanser. You can get it through its merchant official store or at healthbuy. These are the two best places to buy Bowtrol for cheap.

You need to read more reviews about Bowtrol Colon Cleanser before you buy it. Check it out

Why Should I Colon Cleanse?

by Stuart Hal

Why, suddenly, is colon cleansing (detoxification) grown to be so needed? Many argue that our grandparents did not use colon cleansers and survived quite well.

The answer is clear-cut: The time have altered. Our consumption habits have changed and our food intake has changed radically since the days of old. Our grandparents and parents previous to them, lived in a healthy diet high in fiber from whole foods like fresh vegetables and fruits abundant in nature.

Our consumption of food in today's rushed, the modern world is very diverse. Today there are precious natural fiber in the diet consumed - and a diet high in fiber is essential if you want to keep your colon works efficiently.

About 90 percent of the food we consume daily is processed or refined in some way. These highly refined foods (including sugar and flour) makes us extremely susceptible to severe intestinal problems.

More than six thousand chemicals are used to process food

That's a pretty frightening statistic, but it happens to be accurate. The food we eat every day is refining, genetic engineering, canned, light - and is treated with a mixture of pesticides, chemicals and hormones. That means that not only eat forage very little to promote healthy bowel function, but constant chemicals, preservatives and dyes that we eat also have a devastating effect on the tract. Tract is why everyone should take regular colon cleansing very seriously.

Toxic poisons

What happens when the colon is sluggish or constipated? This translates into toxic poison that grow as the result of the multiplication of bacteria when foods travel too slowly through the intestines during the evacuation process. These toxins then enter the bloodstream through the colon. That's why chronic constipation is a risk as dangerous to health.

So, in conclusion, what is the most hazardous threat to your colon alone? As we have seen, the answer is, of course, your diet. Depending on your day by day food intake, low fiber, high-processed, refined and chemically laced food intake is a serious health risk. In today's modern world, we are actually poisoning ourselves slowly every day. So a point of checking food labels to see what chemicals and preservatives they contain. And start to introduce more fiber into your diet. Eat as much fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains as feasible.

One of the best natural Colon Cleanse Product that has received tremendous response from the users is available online. Not only do you get all the benefits of Natural Colon Cleanse but also get a chance to try it Aloe Vera Colon Cleanse Tablets.

How to Detox With a Colon Cleanse

by Robert H Henderson

Are you fed up with being bloated and swollen all the time? Do you feel heavy and slow, like you've got weights in your body? Lots of people experience this. It comes from all the bad food and toxins we put into our bodies on a daily basis. Welcome to the wonders of the modern world!

To combat this growing problem, many people are turning to colon cleansing. It enables them to get back some control of their digestive systems. All you need to do is buy a colon cleansing product, use it for a couple of weeks, and you should feel great.

The most popular cleansers are simply pills filled with a special combination of natural herbs that you take as a dietary supplement. These herbs will clean you out. And because they're natural they're safe to use.

These herbal colon cleansers will effectively flush out toxins, excess mucus, and fecal matter that your body hasn't evacuated. It's pretty nasty. In fact, some of this stuff has been putrefying and breeding disease in your body for a long time. That's why you feel so lousy all the time. The poisonous toxins don't just sit there. They get absorbed into your blood stream. They contribute to a lot of disease, including cancer, which is the 2nd leading cause of death.

After cleansing your colon, you'll feel so much more energetic and lighter. You won't feel full and gaseous all the time. Your skin and your hair will also look better. Many people find it much easier to lose weight after a colon cleanse as well.

Think of it this way. Your colon acts as your body's sewer system. If it's broken, your entire system suffers. It's vital to keep your entire colon tract as clear as possible so it can get rid of the waste quickly and efficiently.

Some people don't think that herbs can effectively flush you out. Well, just try some of them. These herbs have been used for centuries to do exactly that. There's a lot of ancient wisdom behind the use of these herbal remedies.

My advice is to give herbal colon cleansing a try. I think you'll end up feeling more energetic, healthier, and happier!

If you do it right, you'll see that colon cleansing is something that you'll want to do periodically. Learn about the best products to use at Bowtrol.

Colon Cleanse Product - How to Select the Right Detox to Flush Away 10 Pounds Overnight

by Corinne Taylor

If you are struggling to lose weight then it may be time to consider a colon cleanse product to restore your colon to its natural, healthy state. You may not be aware how important a clean colon is to your overall digestive health. The colon's primary function is to turn broken down food particles into fecal matter. If your colon is not performing in peak condition, then your weight will suffer.

The fastest way to rev up a weight loss program is to make sure that your colon is operating efficiently by selecting a colon cleanse product. Do you, or have you ever experienced the following while dieting?

* Feeling weak or ill
* Slow rate of weight loss
* No weight loss at all

These are signs that you have a colon that is functioning improperly. The fastest and easiest way to correct this problem is to use a colon cleanser prior to or during your weight loss program.

When your colon is not working right you can expect that the lining of your colon is coated with a lot of extra waste. This is going to lead to improper digestion, as well as pains in the general area. You might also experience fatigue and headaches. You will most likely experience a gain in weight and difficulty losing weight.

When you fee like this, dieting and exercise are the furthest things from your mind and it is very difficult to stay on track!

By using a colon cleanse product while you are dieting and exercising you will certainly experience an increase in your energy and no more nasty symptoms. And when you feel this way you are more inclined to stick to your program. You are also going to experience better digestive health. Your body is going to break down all food particles and remove them from your system properly.

Think of your colon like a plumbing system. After 30 or 40 years the pipes are going to get a bit clogged. This is going to make the system run less efficiently until it is cleaned out. When your digestive system is not working properly you are going to increase the risk that toxins will invade your body. This is evident when you have pains in your stomach, gas, and constipation, among other issues.

The first step in restoring your colon to a clean state is a proper diet. Make sure to take in plenty of fiber each day. Reduce sugar intake as well. By kick starting this product with a colon cleanse product, you increase your chances of success with your new diet!

Discover how the top Colon Cleanse Product on the market can help you lose weight and feel healthier. Click Here to find out how you can get started for less than the price of an Espresso.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Colon Cleansing

by Jammie Tommeson

Here are the top 10 things about Colon Cleaning you might not have known about:

1) Release Toxins
Reverse the years of toxins and bacteria that have built up in your colon and large intestines. Eating unhealthy foods constantly causes unhealthy levels of toxins to be stored in the colon, making your immune system weaker and you more susceptible to disease.

2) Give You More Energy
When your colon is clogged up it makes it harder to digest food, absorb nutrients and increase waste. With a healthy colon you free up a LOT more energy to spend on the things you enjoy. To get there you need to do a super colon cleanse!

3) Health Boosting
Consider a colon cleanse to be a service for your body. Just like a mechanic, the right supplements can help your body run smoothly and energetic, far into old age.

4) Increase Nutrient Digestion
A lot of nutrients from the food you eat are absorbed in your colon. When you have a clogged colon, you are lowering your body's ability to digest the maximum level of nutrients from the food you eat.

5) Release Abnormalities
Food heavy in complex carbohydrates, sugars and other heavily processed foods are the cause of much of colon disease. Colon cleansing, along with leafy green vegetables will help you flush out irregularities in your colon.

6) Alleviate Cramps
If you are experiencing cramps and a tight gut, its telling you that your colon need attention. A Super Colon Cleanse will relax your intestines and allow you to feel better with less cramping.

7) Encourage Bowel Movements
Yes, colon cleansing will help you get your waste out quicker. If you are suffering from constipation, then you need to do a colon cleanse. Another side benefit, is that it will help to avoid painful haemorrhoids.

8) Endorsed By Medical Professionals
Researchers, doctors and nurses are starting to seen the benefits of colon cleansing, over and over again. So much so that they are now suggesting this become a regular element of maintaining your health.

9) Colon Cleansing is a Simple Process
Colon cleansing is easily understood. There can be up to 15 pounds of waste residing in your colon, doing a colon cleanse will remove it.

10) Not All Colon Cleanses Are Created Equal
Choosing a colon cleansing system, which is holistic for your body, is very important. Products with natural herbal ingredients are best. Visit our website below for our recommendations on the best natural super colon cleanse supplements.

To learn more, go to http: now! Find out how you can do a Super Colon Cleanse using quality supplements, to lose weight while increasing your health and vitality.